Quests for 5 People in Poltava
Quests for five players are a slightly rarer phenomenon, and therefore, for the opportunity to play five in a quest, the organizing companies sometimes ask players to pay extra from 50 hryvnia to 1/4 of the cost of the game for the participation of an additional person. It turns out quite profitable, because sometimes five of us can even play in a performance! Before the game, we advise you to specify the total cost of the quest for five people.
Квесты до 5 человек в Полтаве
Secret laboratory
QuestMind game
QuestNight at the Museum
QuestSecret photo lab
QuestDumbledore's office
QuestBank robbery
QuestAbducted UFOs
QuestBunker: Apocalypse
QuestPharaoh's tomb
QuestAmong Us
Quest AnimationПриключения Алисы в Зазеркалье Closed
QuestНа допросе Closed
QuestТайны престолов Closed
QuestОграбление банка Closed
QuestГримерная клоуна Closed
QuestПобег из тюрьмы Closed
QuestЗомби Closed
QuestМашина времени Closed
QuestПоследний экзамен Closed
QuestШерлок Холмс Closed
QuestШкола волшебства Closed
QuestLabyrinth Closed
Action GameAlcatraz Closed
QuestПсихбольница № 3 Closed